Sunday, December 14, 2008

This and that.

I haven’t written in a while, partially attributable to how busy I’ve been (but more about that later), but I thought I best get back to writing in here on a regular basis. I don’t know how things are going to go for pictures, but expect written updates from me at least twice a week.
It seems like lately life has been going really fast. This semester, for example, has passed by so fast that I cannot believe it. Like, if this was still high school, it would probably only be the beginning of November, maybe the middle if I got busy. But University is just so much work. It’s okay though, I’ve picked up on a lot of work habits that help me to get things done faster and still good. Also, I’ve quickly learned that procrastination is not a useful skill to have in University. Sitting up all night, literally not sleeping, to finish term papers is not fun. You can’t put a positive spin on it. Not one. You can’t just sit around thinking of what you have to do. You actually have to DO it. And you have to do it well. To those of you still in high school, BEWARE: Even the hard-assed teachers in high school mark easier than University professors and this might possibly be because the teachers in university don’t know your name, because it’s really hard when you have 3 classes of 200 people to remember all of their names.
I can’t seem to keep track of a lot of people and drama anymore, which I suppose is good for me. No matter how much I love drama I always somehow end up getting dragged into it and it just causes stress. I’ve never coped well with stress, though university is teaching me how to. If I come out of this with one new skill, it will be stress management.
Anyhow, more later about my recent life-developments and maybe a story about a wipe-out or two, because hells yes, Snowboarding season has officially arrived along with a couple of good snow storms.

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