Friday, December 19, 2008

Can we both agree to silence what the other's did not see?

Now that schools done until Janurary, I kind of feel like I'm drowning.
I have so much that I've been meaning to do, but I just don't want to do it.
All I want to do is board and sleep and play guitar and see friends.
I want Christmas to come.
I want this weather to cheer up.
I want to not be sick anymore.
I want March to come so I can see Nikki and go to Vermont.
I want next semester to be over, and everything be done.

Assembling a bookshelf and clearing out my laptop all seems to trivial next to all that.

I think my problem is that I'm living too far in the future, and I'm letting my present slip away on me. I'm just getting further and further behind when all I want to do is move forward.

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