Sunday, June 15, 2008

I won't mistake you for problems with me.

I've spent alot of time thinking lately, and because of that I haven't been around. People have disappeared completely, and now there's a few who havent but make it seem like its a job talking to me. Theres also a few who only come around when its convienent, and who lie and think that I don't know about it. Trust me, lying makes me angrier than if you would come out and tell the truth, and the fact that you continue to lie pisses me off even more. I guess what I'm saying is I know who my REAL friends are, and I'll continue pretending as long as you do, because I'm becoming just as bad as you.

I don't even care anymore. I've stopped trying. I've stopped beating myself up. I've quit trying to be right all the time. I've quit trying to be liked by everyone. I've quit wanting to touch everything I see. I've quit lusting after everything I can't have. I've finally started writing my story and I've burned the books of my past.

I know who I am. Who the hell are you?

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